These are famous quotes by Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol's Biography

Andy Warhol 1928 - 1987

Early life

Andy Warhol ( Andrew Warhola) was born in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania on August 6, 1928. His parents, Julia and Ondrej Warhola were Carpatho-Rusyns who immigrated from what is now known as eastern Slovakia in the early 1920's. Andy was the youngest of three brothers.

He grew up during the Great Depression in the urban surroundings of a smoky industrial city. At an early age he showed a wonderful talent for drawing. Due to a illness at the age of 6 he was confined to bed; his mother and brothers would entertain him for hours by showing him how to draw, trace and print images. Andy loved to draw throughout his childhood. He attended Holmes Elementry School and Schenley High School and graduated at the young age of 16 in 1945, finishing 51st in his class of 278 graduates.

By Izzy55597455